Working together to advance family planning around the world.
FP2030 is governed by the FP2030 Board, which has ultimate responsibility for overseeing the FP2030 Regional Hubs and the activities of its Executive Directorate.
About the Board
Meet the Members
Board members bring specific skills and experience across a range of disciplines to FP2030, enabling them to provide:
FP2030 Members Include:
Family-planning donors (both FP2030 funders and others)
Commitment-making countries
Multilateral organizations
International and national NGOs, including youth organizations
Diverse professionals from other sectors
Meet the People Making it Possible Each and Every Day
We’re dedicated to advancing the rights of people everywhere to access reproductive health services safely & on their own terms.
Join our effort to build the future we want.
Get InvolvedFP2030 | United Nations Foundation
1750 Pennsylvania Ave NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006
FP2030 is a diverse, inclusive, and results-oriented partnership encompassing a range of stakeholders and experts with varying perspectives. As such, the views expressed and language used on our website do not reflect those of all members.
This website is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the sole responsibility of FP2030 and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.