
For Governments

Email commitments@fp2030.org with your application or for more information

FP2030 invites governments to make rights-based family planning commitments to support the partnership’s vision of a future where women and girls everywhere have the freedom and ability to lead healthy lives, make their own informed decisions about using contraception and having children, and participate as equals in society and its development.


Key Principles

  • Commitments should be rights-based.
    We encourage government partners to develop and validate commitments through an inclusive, equitable, and transparent process that is rooted in rights-based family planning principles.
  • Commitments should align with a country’s other global and regional partnerships.
    These may include GFF, UHC, and ICPD+25 while expanding on and detailing specific family planning strategies.
  • Commitments should be grounded in available data and evidence.
    Reflecting on the effectiveness of different family planning interventions in different contexts is critical to the development of a robust country commitment.

Download Commitment Form


To take the first step, contact us and a member of the commitments team will reach out with additional guidance.

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