
For Non-Government Stakeholders

Email commitments@fp2030.org with your application or for more information

Whether you are a civil society, youth-led, academic, multilateral, or funding organization, or from the private sector, by making a commitment to FP2030, you will join a global community of leaders, experts, advocates, and implementers who are working together to address the most challenging barriers to expanding access to modern contraceptives.

Key Principles

Key Principles

NG Commitment Makers

NG Commitment Makers

Key Principles

  • Commitment-making should boost organizations’ visibility and credibility.
    A commitment offered an action platform for organizations of all sizes, increased visibility on a global stage, and provided the opportunity to join a community of organizations in service of a larger goal.
  • Commitments and related processes foster internal accountability and transparency.
    Making a visible global commitment is critical to other stakeholders’ own accountability. Global events, self-reporting, the annual Progress Report, and the Reference Group formed a larger ecosystem of accountability and transparency. This strengthened internal commitment, to continue to work toward delivering on family planning commitments.
  • The platform fosters genuine cross-sector connections and partnerships.
    Non-state partners develop relationships with new organizations, driving progress toward goals. These connections lead
    non-state partners to increase involvement in family planning advocacy efforts, to apply for joint donor funding, and to better implement their commitments.

Download Commitment Form


To take the first step, contact us and a member of the commitments team will reach out with additional guidance.

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