
Non-Government Partner


Red Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Jóvenes por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos (RedLAC) is a regional articulation of organizations and collectives of young feminists, who work in defense of sexual rights in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Commitments made to:


RedLAC promotes scientific, secular and free sexual education, the empowerment of young women and adolescents, the fight against stigma and discrimination, and significant youth participation in public policies and programs.


RedLAC Commitment Narratives

  • Increase awareness and knowledge about sexual and reproductive rights among adolescents and young people through virtual workshops conducted within the virtual classroom, reaching a minimum of 400 participants.
  • Ensure active participation and engagement in global advocacy spaces such as the CSW66 (Commission on the Status of Women) and CRPD (Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) to advocate for the advancement of sexual and reproductive rights.
  • Strengthen the capacity of the network by utilizing the virtual classroom to conduct workshops, training sessions, and dissemination of regional Sexual and Reproductive Rights Primer, empowering member organizations and collectives to promote and defend sexual and reproductive rights effectively.
  • Contribute to the review and improvement of indicators for the Montevideo Consensus, a regional agreement on sexual and reproductive health and rights, through active participation and collaboration in relevant processes and discussions.
  • Monitor and follow up on the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, a global framework for achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment, by actively engaging in related actions and workshops.
  • Advocate for the provision of accessible and comprehensive health services for adolescents in the region, highlighting the importance of their sexual and reproductive health needs.
  • Strengthen coordination and collaboration within the RedLAC network, fostering knowledge sharing, joint actions, and collective advocacy efforts to address the challenges and inequalities related to sexual and reproductive rights in Latin America and the Caribbean.
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