


Adolescents from Latin America and the Caribbean Created the Region's First Virtual Advocacy School

July 8, 2024

FP2030 Updates

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Adolescents from Latin Am...

Adolescents from Latin Am...

In the framework of the V Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, the global alliance Family Planning 2030 aims to encourage States to sign commitments that attest to their willingness to do more about the agenda of family planning, contraception, and full access to sexual and reproductive rights for the entire population (www.fp2030.org) urges all authorities in the region to consider the involvement of adolescents and youth in family planning issues as a high priority for public policy and investment.

FP2030 LAC Hub, based in Panama, has been working since 2023 to strengthen the ecosystem of family planning, contraception, and sexual and reproductive rights in the region by prioritizing adolescents and youth. In the framework of the Regional Conference on Population and Development, to be held in Cartagena, Colombia, from July 2 to July 5, 2024, they announced the launch of the first Virtual Advocacy School.

This innovative event provided adolescent and youth participants with a unique opportunity to acquire essential knowledge on regional agendas on population, development, human rights, sexual and reproductive rights, and family planning.  The Advocacy School, developed by FP2030, Save the Children, Profamailia, and IPPF, is designed to strengthen the capacities of emerging leaders and activists in the region by providing them with the tools and knowledge necessary to influence policies and practices that affect their communities positively.

Throughout the school, youth and adolescents will have access to workshops, interactive sessions, and resources from experts in the field. This will give them more tools to raise their voices during the conference and in future spaces.

We are proud to have a diverse and representative delegation of adolescents and youth from Honduras, Brazil, Panama, Guatemala, Venezuela, Antigua and Barbuda, Mexico, St. Lucia, Jamaica, Colombia, Argentina, Grenada and Peru.  This plurality reflects our strong commitment to inclusiveness and regional collaboration, which are key to addressing population and development challenges in a comprehensive way.

The School of Advocacy focuses on gaining knowledge, taking action, and implementing effective strategies for change. Our goal is to empower participants to become agents of transformation in their communities, promoting a more equitable and sustainable future for all people.

FP2030 LAC Hub Director María Paula Martínez believes that "FP2030 LAC gives a voice to adolescents and youth in the region so that, from their own life experience, that of their families and communities, we can transform public policies on family planning and contraception and together realize the sexual and reproductive rights of all people in Latin America and the Caribbean."

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