


Celebrate the start of the FP2030 LAC Hub Advocacy School!

May 23, 2024

FP2030 Updates


FP2030 LAC Hub Art Contes...

FP2030 LAC Hub Art Contes...


FP2030’s Partnership Fund...

FP2030’s Partnership Fund...

As part of the FP2030 activities in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region, we are pleased to introduce our Advocacy School to strengthen youth participation in the upcoming Regional Conference on Population and Development (CRPD). This event will take place in Cartagena, Colombia, from June 29 to July 5, thanks to the joint initiative of FP2030, Profamilia Colombia, and International Planned Parenthood Federation - Americas and The Caribbean Regional Office (IPPF/ACRO). 

The Advocacy School is a program designed to train young leaders on issues of population, development, and human rights, with the aim of enabling them to participate effectively in the CRPD in June. This program consists of a two-part package: First, pre-conference training virtual workshops between May and June, covering key topics on regional and international agendas, including the Cairo Conference, Beijing, Agenda 2030, and the Escazú Conference. Then, on-Site participation: Attendance and active participation in the conference in Cartagena from June 29 to July 5. 

Upon completing both phases of the program, participants will receive certification from the FP2030 LAC Hub. Additionally, feedback will be proactively collected from each participant to improve future programs. 

This joint initiative between FP2030, IPPF ACRO and Profamilia aims to empower youth and foster their active participation in crucial population and development issues in the region.  


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